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Text File | 2006-04-25 | 34.0 KB | 1,420 lines |
- #!/bin/bash
- #
- # ALSA Configurator
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1999-2002 SuSE GmbH
- # Jan ONDREJ
- #
- # written by Takashi Iwai <tiwai@suse.de>
- # Bernd Kaindl <bk@suse.de>
- # Jan ONDREJ (SAL) <ondrejj@salstar.sk>
- #
- # based on the original version of Jan ONDREJ's alsaconf for ALSA 0.4.
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- export TEXTDOMAIN=alsaconf
- prefix=/usr
- exec_prefix=${prefix}
- bindir=${exec_prefix}/bin
- sbindir=${exec_prefix}/sbin
- version=1.0.11
- USE_NLS=no
- # Useful for debugging
- PROCFS="/proc"
- SYSFS="/sys"
- # i18n stuff
- if test "$USE_NLS" = "yes" && which gettext > /dev/null; then
- xecho() {
- gettext -s "$*"
- }
- else
- xecho() {
- echo "$*"
- }
- gettext() {
- echo -n "$*"
- }
- fi
- xmsg() {
- msg=$(gettext "$1")
- shift
- printf "$msg" $*
- }
- # Check for GNU/Linux distributions
- if [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ]; then
- distribution="suse"
- suse_version=$(grep 'VERSION = ' /etc/SuSE-release | sed -e s/'VERSION = '//)
- elif [ -f /etc/UnitedLinux-release ]; then
- distribution="suse"
- elif [ -f /etc/gentoo-release ]; then
- distribution="gentoo"
- elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then
- distribution="debian"
- elif [ -f /etc/mandrake-release ]; then
- distribution="mandrake"
- elif test -f /etc/redhat-release && grep -q "Red Hat" /etc/redhat-release; then
- distribution="redhat"
- elif test -f /etc/fedora-release && grep -q "Fedora" /etc/fedora-release; then
- distribution="fedora"
- else
- distribution="unknown"
- fi
- for prog in lspci lsmod; do
- for path in /sbin /usr/sbin /bin /usr/bin;do
- test -x $path/$prog && eval $prog=$path/$prog
- done
- done
- unset prog path
- usage() {
- xecho "ALSA configurator"
- echo " version $version"
- xecho "usage: alsaconf [options]
- -l|--legacy check only legacy non-isapnp cards
- -m|--modinfo read module descriptions instead of reading card db
- -s|--sound wav-file
- use the specified wav file as a test sound
- -u|--uid uid set the uid for the ALSA devices (default = 0) [obsoleted]
- -g|--gid gid set the gid for the ALSA devices (default = 0) [obsoleted]
- -d|--devmode mode
- set the permission for ALSA devices (default = 0666) [obs.]
- -r|--strict set strict device mode (equiv. with -g 17 -d 0660) [obsoleted]
- -L|--log file logging on the specified file (for debugging purpose only)
- -p|--probe card-name
- probe a legacy non-isapnp card and print module options
- -P|--listprobe list the supported legacy card modules
- -c|--config file
- specify the module config file
- -R|--resources list available DMA and IRQ resources with debug for legacy
- -h|--help what you're reading"
- }
- OPTS=`getopt -o lmL:hp:Pu:g:d:rs:c:R --long legacy,modinfo,log:,help,probe:,listprobe,uid:,gid:,devmode:,strict,sound:,config:,resources -n alsaconf -- "$@"` || exit 1
- eval set -- "$OPTS"
- do_legacy_only=0
- use_modinfo_db=0
- alsa_uid=0
- alsa_gid=0
- alsa_mode=0666
- legacy_probe_card=""
- TESTSOUND="/usr/share/sounds/alsa/test.wav"
- try_all_combination=0
- resources="false"
- # legacy support
- LEGACY_CARDS="opl3sa2 cs4236 cs4232 cs4231 es18xx es1688 sb16 sb8"
- while true ; do
- case "$1" in
- -l|--legacy)
- do_legacy_only=1; shift ;;
- -m|--modinfo)
- use_modinfo_db=1; shift ;;
- -s|--sound)
- TESTSOUND=$2; shift 2;;
- -h|--help)
- usage; exit 0 ;;
- -L|--log)
- LOGFILE="$2"; shift 2;;
- -p|--probe)
- legacy_probe_card="$2"; shift 2;;
- -P|--listprobe)
- echo "$LEGACY_CARDS"; exit 0;;
- -u|--uid)
- alsa_uid="$2"; shift 2;;
- -g|--gid)
- alsa_gid="$2"; shift 2;;
- -d|--devmode)
- alsa_mode="$2"; shift 2;;
- -r|--strict)
- alsa_uid=0; alsa_gid=17; alsa_mode=0660; shift;;
- -c|--config)
- cfgfile="$2"; shift 2;;
- -R|--resources)
- resources="true"; shift;;
- --) shift ; break ;;
- *) usage ; exit 1 ;;
- esac
- done
- #
- # probe legacy ISA cards
- #
- check_dma_avail () {
- list=""
- if [ -d $SYSFS/bus/pnp/devices ]; then
- for dma in $*; do
- ok="true"
- for i in $SYSFS/bus/pnp/devices/??:* ; do
- if grep -q "state = active" $i/resources ; then
- if grep -q '^dma '$dma'$' $i/resources; then
- ok="false"
- fi
- fi
- done
- if [ -r $PROCFS/dma ]; then
- if grep -q '^ *'$dma': ' $PROCFS/dma ; then
- ok="false"
- fi
- fi
- if [ "$ok" = "true" ]; then
- list="$list $dma"
- fi
- done
- else
- if [ -r $PROCFS/dma ]; then
- for dma in $*; do
- grep -q '^ *'$dma': ' $PROCFS/dma || list="$list $dma"
- done
- fi
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$list" ]; then
- echo $list
- fi
- }
- check_irq_avail () {
- list=""
- if [ -d $SYSFS/bus/pnp/devices ]; then
- for irq in $*; do
- ok="true"
- for i in $SYSFS/bus/pnp/devices/??:* ; do
- if grep -q "state = active" $i/resources ; then
- if grep -q '^irq '$irq'$' $i/resources; then
- ok="false"
- fi
- fi
- done
- if [ -r $PROCFS/interrupts ]; then
- if grep -q '^ *'$irq': ' $PROCFS/interrupts ; then
- ok="false"
- fi
- fi
- if [ "$ok" = "true" ]; then
- list="$list $irq"
- fi
- done
- else
- if [ -r $PROCFS/interrupts ]; then
- for irq in $*; do
- grep -q '^ *'$irq': ' $PROCFS/interrupts || list="$list $irq"
- done
- fi
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$list" ]; then
- echo $list
- fi
- }
- #
- #
- #
- if [ "$resources" = "true" ]; then
- if [ -d $SYSFS/bus/pnp/devices ]; then
- for i in $SYSFS/bus/pnp/devices/??:* ; do
- if [ "$resources" = "true" ]; then
- echo ">>>>> PnP file: $i/resources"
- cat $i/resources
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [ -r $PROCFS/dma ]; then
- echo ">>>>> Allocated dma channels:"
- cat $PROCFS/dma
- fi
- if [ -r $PROCFS/interrupts ]; then
- echo ">>>>> Allocated interrupt channels:"
- cat $PROCFS/interrupts
- fi
- echo -n "Valid DMA channels: "
- check_dma_avail 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- echo -n "Valid IRQ channels: "
- check_irq_avail 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
- exit 0
- fi
- # Check for root privileges
- if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ]; then
- xecho "You must be root to use this script."
- exit 1
- fi
- #
- # check the snd_ prefix for ALSA module options
- # snd_ prefix is obsoleted since 0.9.0rc4.
- #
- if /sbin/modinfo -p snd | grep -q snd_ ; then
- mpfx="snd_"
- else
- mpfx=""
- fi
- alsa_device_opts=""
- if /sbin/modinfo -p snd | grep -q uid ; then
- if [ x"$alsa_uid" != x0 ]; then
- alsa_device_opts="$alsa_device_opts ${mpfx}device_uid=$alsa_uid"
- fi
- if [ x"$alsa_gid" != x0 ]; then
- alsa_device_opts="$alsa_device_opts ${mpfx}device_gid=$alsa_gid"
- fi
- fi
- if /sbin/modinfo -p snd | grep -q device_mode ; then
- if [ x"$alsa_mode" != x0 ]; then
- alsa_device_opts="$alsa_device_opts ${mpfx}device_mode=$alsa_mode"
- fi
- fi
- case `uname -r` in
- 2.6.*)
- kernel="new"
- ;;
- *)
- kernel="old"
- ;;
- esac
- # cfgfile = base config file to remove/update the sound setting
- # cfgout = new config file to write the sound setting (if different from $cfgfile)
- if [ -n "$cfgfile" ]; then
- if [ ! -r "$cfgfile" ]; then
- xecho "ERROR: The config file doesn't exist: "
- echo $cfgfile
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- if [ "$distribution" = "gentoo" ]; then
- cfgfile="/etc/modules.d/alsa"
- elif [ "$kernel" = "new" ]; then
- if [ -d /etc/modprobe.d ]; then
- cfgout="/etc/modprobe.d/sound"
- fi
- cfgfile="/etc/modprobe.conf"
- elif [ "$distribution" = "debian" ]; then
- cfgfile="/etc/modutils/sound"
- elif [ -e /etc/modules.conf ]; then
- cfgfile="/etc/modules.conf"
- elif [ -e /etc/conf.modules ]; then
- cfgfile="/etc/conf.modules"
- else
- cfgfile="/etc/modules.conf"
- touch /etc/modules.conf
- fi
- fi
- # Check for dialog, whiptail, gdialog, awk, ... ?
- if which dialog > /dev/null; then
- DIALOG=dialog
- else
- if which whiptail > /dev/null; then
- whiptail_wrapper() {
- X1="$1"
- X2="$2"
- if [ $1 = --yesno ]; then
- X3=`expr $3 + 2`
- else
- X3=$3
- fi
- shift 3
- whiptail "$X1" "$X2" $X3 "$@"
- }
- DIALOG=whiptail_wrapper
- else
- xecho "Error, dialog or whiptail not found."
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- if which awk > /dev/null; then :
- else
- xecho "Error, awk not found. Can't continue."
- exit 1
- fi
- #
- # remove entries by yast2 sound configurator
- #
- remove_y2_block() {
- awk '
- /^alias sound-slot-[0-9]/ { next }
- /^alias char-major-116 / { next }
- /^alias char-major-14 / { next }
- /^alias snd-card-[0-9] / { next }
- /^options snd / { next }
- /^options snd-/ { next }
- /^options off / { next }
- /^alias sound-service-[0-9]/ { next }
- /^# YaST2: sound / { next }
- { print }'
- }
- #
- # remove entries by sndconfig sound configurator
- #
- # found strings to search for in WriteConfModules,
- # from sndconfig 0.68-4 (rawhide version)
- remove_sndconfig_block() {
- awk '
- /^alias sound-slot-0/ { modulename = $3 ; next }
- /^alias sound-slot-[0-9]/ { next }
- /^post-install sound-slot-[0-9] / { next }
- /^pre-remove sound-slot-[0-9] / { next }
- /^options sound / { next }
- /^alias synth0 opl3/ { next }
- /^options opl3 / { next }
- /^alias midi / { mididev = $3 ; next }
- /^options / { if ($2 == mididev) next }
- /^pre-install / { if ($2 == mididev) next }
- /^alias synth0 / { synth = $3 ; next }
- /^post-install / { if ($2 == synth) next }
- /^options sb / { next }
- /^post-install .+ \/bin\/modprobe "aci"/ { if ($2 == modulename) next }
- /^options adlib_card / { next }
- /^options .+ isapnp=1/ { if ($2 == modulename) next }
- /^options i810_audio / { next }
- /^options / {if ($2 == modulename) next }
- { print }'
- }
- #
- # remove the previous configuration by alsaconf
- #
- remove_ac_block() {
- awk '/^'"$ACB"'$/,/^'"$ACE"'$/ { next } { print }'
- }
- #
- # set default mixer volumes
- #
- set_mixers() {
- amixer -s -q <<EOF
- set Master 75% unmute
- set 'Master Mono' 75% unmute
- set Front 75% unmute
- set PCM 90% unmute
- mixer Synth 90% unmute
- mixer CD 90% unmute
- # mute mic
- set Mic 0% mute
- # ESS 1969 chipset has 2 PCM channels
- set PCM,1 90% unmute
- # Trident/YMFPCI/emu10k1
- set Wave 100% unmute
- set Music 100% unmute
- set AC97 100% unmute
- # CS4237B chipset:
- set 'Master Digital' 75% unmute
- # Envy24 chips with analog outs
- set DAC 90% unmute
- set DAC,0 90% unmute
- set DAC,1 90% unmute
- # some notebooks use headphone instead of master
- set Headphone 75% unmute
- set Playback 100% unmute
- # turn off digital switches
- set "SB Live Analog/Digital Output Jack" off
- set "Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack" off
- }
- intro() {
- local msg=$(xmsg "
- version %s
- This script is a configurator for
- Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) driver.
- If ALSA is already running, you should close all sound
- apps now and stop the sound driver.
- alsaconf will try to do this, but it's not 100%% sure." $version)
- $DIALOG --msgbox "$msg" 20 63 || acex 0
- }
- farewell() {
- local msg=$(gettext "
- OK, sound driver is configured.
- will prepare the card for playing now.
- Now I'll run alsasound init script, then I'll use
- amixer to raise the default volumes.
- You can change the volume later via a mixer
- program such as alsamixer or gamix.
- ")
- $DIALOG --msgbox "$msg" 17 60 || acex 0
- }
- # Exit function
- acex() {
- cleanup
- clear
- exit $1
- }
- #
- # search for alsasound init script
- #
- if [ "$distribution" = "debian" ]; then
- rcalsasound=/etc/init.d/alsa
- elif [ -x /etc/init.d/alsasound ]; then
- rcalsasound=/etc/init.d/alsasound
- elif [ -x /usr/sbin/rcalsasound ]; then
- rcalsasound=/usr/sbin/rcalsasound
- elif [ -x /sbin/rcalsasound ]; then
- rcalsasound=/sbin/rcalsasound
- elif [ -x /etc/rc.d/init.d/alsasound ]; then
- rcalsasound=/etc/rc.d/init.d/alsasound
- elif [ -x /etc/init.d/alsa ]; then
- rcalsasound=/etc/init.d/alsa
- else
- rcalsasound=rcalsasound
- fi
- # MAIN
- if [ -d $PROCFS/asound ]; then
- $rcalsasound stop >/dev/null 2>&1
- $rcalsasound unload >/dev/null 2>&1
- /sbin/rmmod dmasound dmasound_awacs 2>/dev/null
- fi
- cleanup () {
- killall -9 aplay arecord >/dev/null 2>&1
- /sbin/modprobe -r isapnp >/dev/null 2>&1
- /sbin/modprobe -r isa-pnp >/dev/null 2>&1
- rm -f "$TMP" "$addcfg" "$FOUND" "$DUMP"
- }
- trap cleanup 0
- TMP=`mktemp -q /tmp/alsaconf.XXXXXX`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- xecho "Can't create temp file, exiting..."
- exit 1
- fi
- addcfg=`mktemp -q /tmp/alsaconf.XXXXXX`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- xecho "Can't create temp file, exiting..."
- exit 1
- fi
- FOUND=`mktemp -q /tmp/alsaconf.XXXXXX`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- xecho "Can't create temp file, exiting..."
- exit 1
- fi
- DUMP=`mktemp -q /tmp/alsaconf.XXXXXX`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- xecho "Can't create temp file, exiting..."
- exit 1
- fi
- # convert ISA PnP id number to string 'ABC'
- convert_isapnp_id () {
- if [ -z "$1" ]; then
- echo "XXXX"
- return
- fi
- let a='('$1'>>2) & 0x3f'
- let b='(('$1' & 0x03) << 3) | (('$1' >> 13) & 0x07)'
- let c='('$1'>> 8) & 0x1f'
- echo ${strs:$a:1}${strs:$b:1}${strs:$c:1}
- }
- # swap high & low bytes
- swap_number () {
- if [ -z "$1" ]; then
- echo "0000"
- return
- fi
- let v='(('$1'>>8)&0xff)|(('$1'&0xff)<<8)'
- printf "%04x" $v
- }
- # build card database
- # build_card_db filename
- build_card_db () {
- MODDIR=/lib/modules/`uname -r`
- last_driver=""
- echo -n > $1
- # list pci cards
- while read driver vendor device dummy; do
- if expr $driver : 'snd-.*' >/dev/null ; then
- if [ "$last_driver" != "$driver" ]; then
- echo $driver.o
- last_driver=$driver
- fi
- id1=`printf '0x%04x' $vendor`
- id2=`printf '0x%04x' $device`
- echo "PCI: $id1=$id2"
- fi
- done < $MODDIR/modules.pcimap >> $1
- # list isapnp cards
- while read driver cardvendor carddevice data vendor func; do
- if expr $driver : 'snd-.*' >/dev/null ; then
- if [ "$last_driver" != "$driver" ]; then
- echo $driver.o
- last_driver=$driver
- fi
- id1=`convert_isapnp_id $cardvendor`
- dev1=`swap_number $carddevice`
- id2=`convert_isapnp_id $vendor`
- dev2=`swap_number $func`
- echo "ISAPNP: $id1$dev1=$id2$dev2"
- fi
- done < $MODDIR/modules.isapnpmap >> $1
- }
- #
- # probe cards
- #
- probe_cards () {
- found="0"
- test -r $PROCFS/isapnp || /sbin/modprobe isapnp >/dev/null 2>&1
- test -r $PROCFS/isapnp || /sbin/modprobe isa-pnp >/dev/null 2>&1
- if [ -r $PROCFS/isapnp ]; then
- cat $PROCFS/isapnp >"$DUMP"
- found="1"
- elif [ -d $SYSFS/bus/pnp/devices ]; then
- # use 2.6 kernel's sysfs output
- # fake the isapnp dump
- index=0
- bindex=0
- for d1 in $SYSFS/devices/pnp* ; do
- for d2 in $d1/*:* ; do
- if [ -r $d2/card_id ]; then
- id=`cat $d2/card_id`
- name=`cat $d2/name`
- echo "Card $index '$id:$name' " >> "$DUMP"
- index=$[$index+1]
- found="1"
- else if [ -r $d2/id ]; then
- # FIXME: multiple id might be present (separated with new-line)
- id=`head -n 1 $d2/id`
- echo "BIOS $bindex '$id' " >> "$DUMP"
- bindex=$[$bindex+1]
- found="1"
- fi
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- if [ "$found" = "0" ]; then
- echo -n >"$DUMP"
- fi
- CARDID_DB=/var/tmp/alsaconf.cards
- if [ ! -r $CARDID_DB ]; then
- use_modinfo_db=1
- fi
- if [ $use_modinfo_db != 1 ]; then
- if [ $CARDID_DB -ot /lib/modules/`uname -r`/modules.dep ]; then
- use_modinfo_db=1
- fi
- fi
- if [ $use_modinfo_db = 1 ]; then
- xecho "Building card database.."
- build_card_db $CARDID_DB
- fi
- if [ ! -r $CARDID_DB ]; then
- xecho "No card database is found.."
- exit 1
- fi
- ncards=`grep '^snd-.*\.o$' $CARDID_DB | wc -w`
- msg=$(gettext "Searching sound cards")
- awk '
- format="%-40s %s\n";
- ncards='"$ncards"';
- idx=0;
- }
- /^snd-.*\.o$/{
- sub(/.o$/, "");
- driver=$0;
- perc=(idx * 100) / (ncards + 1);
- print int(perc);
- idx++;
- }
- /^[<literal space><literal tab>]*PCI: /{
- gsub(/0x/, "");
- gsub(/=/, ":");
- x = sprintf ("'$lspci' -n 2>/dev/null| grep '"' 04..: '"' | grep %s", $2);
- if (system (x) == 0)
- printf "%s %s\n", $2, driver >>"'"$FOUND"'"
- }
- /^[<literal space><literal tab>]*ISAPNP: /{
- id2 = substr($0, index($0, "=")+1);
- gsub(/=.*/, "");
- x = sprintf ("grep '\''^Card [0-9] .%s:'\'' '"$DUMP"'", $2);
- if (system (x) == 0)
- printf "%s %s\n", $2, driver >>"'"$FOUND"'"
- else if (index($2, "ffff") > 0) {
- x = sprintf ("grep '\''^BIOS [0-9]* .%s.'\'' '"$DUMP"'", id2);
- if (system (x) == 0)
- printf "%s %s\n", id2, driver >>"'"$FOUND"'"
- }
- }' < $CARDID_DB |\
- $DIALOG --gauge "$msg" 6 40 0
- #
- # PowerMac
- #
- if grep -q MacRISC $PROCFS/cpuinfo; then
- MODDIR=/lib/modules/`uname -r`
- find $MODDIR -name 'snd-powermac' -print | \
- while read i; do
- i=${i##*/}
- i=${i%%.o}
- i=${i%%.ko}
- echo "PowerMac $i" >> $FOUND
- done
- fi
- #
- # Sparc
- #
- if grep -q Sparc $PROCFS/cpuinfo; then
- test -r $PROCFS/openprom/name || /bin/mount -t openpromfs none $PROCFS/openprom >/dev/null 2>&1
- # Check for an "audio" device
- audio=
- compat=
- if test -r $PROCFS/openprom; then
- audio=`find $PROCFS/openprom -follow -type d -name "audio*" -print`
- fi
- if test -n "$audio"; then
- compat=`cat $audio/compatible`
- compat=${compat#\'}
- compat=${compat%\'}
- compat=${compat#SUNW,}
- fi
- # Go through all cards we have
- MODDIR=/lib/modules/`uname -r`
- find $MODDIR -name 'snd-sun-*' -print | \
- while read i; do
- i=${i##*/}
- i=${i%%.o}
- i=${i%%.ko}
- sdev=`echo ${i#snd-sun-} | tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]"`
- if test "$sdev" = "$compat"; then
- echo "$sdev $i" >> $FOUND
- elif test -r $PROCFS/openprom; then
- find $PROCFS/openprom -follow -type d -name "SUNW,${sdev}*" \
- -exec echo "$sdev $i" \; 2>/dev/null >> $FOUND
- else
- echo "$sdev $i" >> $FOUND
- fi
- done
- fi
- }
- #
- # look for a descriptive device name from the given device id
- #
- find_device_name () {
- if expr "$1" : '[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]:[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]' >/dev/null; then
- $lspci -d $1 2>/dev/null| sed -e 's/^.*:..\.. [^:]*: //g'
- return
- elif expr "$1" : '[A-Z@][A-Z@][A-Z@][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]' >/dev/null; then
- cardname=`grep '^Card [0-9]\+ .'$1':' $DUMP | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/^Card [0-9]\+ '\''.*:\(.*\)'\'' .*$/\1/'`
- echo $cardname
- else
- echo $1
- fi
- }
- # get hwcfg file type from the given driver name
- get_hwcfg_type () {
- while read dev driver; do
- if [ "$driver" = "$1" ]; then
- case "$dev" in
- *:*)
- # FIXME: need to look around /sys/bus/pci/* (or use vpid-* ?)
- devid=`$lspci -d "$dev" | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/ .*$//'`
- case "$devid" in
- *:*:*.*) ;;
- *) devid="0000:$devid" ;;
- esac
- echo bus-pci-$devid
- ;;
- *)
- echo $driver
- ;;
- esac
- break
- fi
- done
- }
- # clean up all hwcfg-* files containing ALSA modules
- # alsaconf sets up exclusively
- cleanup_hwcfg () {
- for i in /etc/sysconfig/hardware/hwcfg-*; do
- grep -q "MODULE='snd-" $i && rm -f $i
- done
- }
- #
- # set up /etc/sysconfig/hardware/hwcfg-* stuff
- #
- setup_hwcfg () {
- card=$1
- cleanup_hwcfg
- cfg=`echo "$devs_olist" | get_hwcfg_type $card`
- echo "MODULE='$card'" > /etc/sysconfig/hardware/hwcfg-$cfg
- echo "STARTMODE='auto'" >> /etc/sysconfig/hardware/hwcfg-$cfg
- }
- #
- # configure and try test sound
- #
- ac_config_card () {
- CARD_DRIVER=snd-$1
- CARD_OPTS="${*:2}"
- if [ -n "$cfgout" ]; then
- msg=$(xmsg "
- Configuring %s
- Do you want to modify %s (and %s if present)?" $CARD_DRIVER $cfgout $cfgfile)
- $DIALOG --yesno "$msg" 8 50 || acex 0
- else
- msg=$(xmsg "
- Configuring %s
- Do you want to modify %s?" $CARD_DRIVER $cfgfile)
- $DIALOG --yesno "$msg" 8 50 || acex 0
- fi
- clear
- # Copy conf.modules and make changes.
- ACB="# --- BEGIN: Generated by ALSACONF, do not edit. ---"
- ACE="# --- END: Generated by ALSACONF, do not edit. ---"
- # Detect 2.2.X kernel
- KVER=`uname -r | tr ".-" " "`
- KVER1=`echo $KVER | cut -d" " -f1`
- KVER2=`echo $KVER | cut -d" " -f2`
- if [ $KVER1 -ge 2 ] && [ $KVER2 -ge 2 ]; then
- SOUND_CORE="soundcore"
- else
- SOUND_CORE="snd"
- fi
- if [ -r $cfgfile ] ; then
- if [ "$distribution" = "redhat" -o "$distribution" = "fedora" ] ; then
- remove_ac_block < $cfgfile | remove_sndconfig_block | uniq > $TMP
- else
- remove_ac_block < $cfgfile | remove_y2_block | uniq > $TMP
- fi
- fi
- if [ -z "$have_alias" -a "$kernel" = "new" ]; then
- if grep -q char-major-116 /lib/modules/`uname -r`/modules.alias; then
- have_alias="yes"
- fi
- fi
- if [ -z "$have_alias" ]; then
- echo "alias char-major-116 snd
- alias char-major-14 $SOUND_CORE
- alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
- alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
- alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
- alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss
- alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss" >> $addcfg
- fi
- if [ -n "$alsa_device_opts" ]; then
- echo "options snd $alsa_device_opts" >> $addcfg
- fi
- echo "alias snd-card-0 $CARD_DRIVER
- alias sound-slot-0 $CARD_DRIVER" >> $addcfg
- if [ -n "$CARD_OPTS" ]; then
- echo "options $CARD_DRIVER $CARD_OPTS" >> $addcfg
- fi
- if [ -n "$cfgout" ]; then
- [ ! -r "$cfgfile" ] || cmp -s "$TMP" "$cfgfile" || cat "$TMP" > "$cfgfile"
- cmp -s "$addcfg" "$cfgout" || cat "$addcfg" > "$cfgout"
- else
- echo "$ACB
- # --- ALSACONF version $version ---" >> $TMP
- cat "$addcfg" >> "$TMP"
- echo "$ACE
- " >> $TMP
- cmp -s "$TMP" "$cfgfile" || cat "$TMP" > "$cfgfile"
- fi
- /sbin/depmod -a 2>/dev/null
- # remove yast2 entries (- only for suse distro)
- if [ -f /var/lib/YaST/unique.inf ]; then
- awk '
- BEGIN { in_sound=0; }
- /^\[sound\]$/ { print; in_sound=1; next; }
- /^\[.+\]$/ { print; in_sound=0; next; }
- { if (in_sound == 0) { print; } }
- ' < /var/lib/YaST/unique.inf > $TMP
- cp -f $TMP /var/lib/YaST/unique.inf
- fi
- # set up /etc/sysconfig/hardware/*
- if [ "$distribution" = "suse" ]; then
- case "$suse_version" in
- 10.*)
- setup_hwcfg $CARD_DRIVER
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- farewell
- clear
- if [ "$distribution" = "gentoo" ]; then
- xecho "Running modules-update..."
- modules-update
- elif [ "$distribution" = "debian" ]; then
- xecho "Running update-modules..."
- update-modules
- fi
- echo Loading driver...
- $rcalsasound restart
- echo Setting default volumes...
- if [ -x $bindir/set_default_volume ]; then
- $bindir/set_default_volume -f
- else
- set_mixers
- fi
- if [ -f $TESTSOUND ]; then
- msg=$(gettext "
- The mixer is set up now for for playing.
- Shall I try to play a sound sample now?
- If you have a big amplifier, lower your volumes or say no.
- Otherwise check that your speaker volume is open,
- and look if you can hear test sound.
- ")
- if $DIALOG --yesno "$msg" 13 65
- then
- clear
- echo
- aplay -N $TESTSOUND
- fi
- fi
- if [ ! -r /etc/asound.state ]; then
- xecho "Saving the mixer setup used for this in /etc/asound.state."
- $sbindir/alsactl store
- fi
- clear
- xecho "
- ===============================================================================
- Now ALSA is ready to use.
- For adjustment of volumes, use your favorite mixer.
- Have a lot of fun!
- "
- }
- # check playback
- # return 0 - OK, 1 - NG, 2 - not working (irq/dma problem)
- ac_try_load () {
- test -n "$LOGFILE" && echo "$1 ${*:2}" >> "$LOGFILE"
- /sbin/modprobe snd-$1 ${*:2} >/dev/null 2>&1
- if $lsmod | grep -q -E '^(snd-|snd_)'$1' '; then
- : ;
- else
- /sbin/modprobe -r snd-$1 >/dev/null 2>&1
- return 1
- fi
- # mute mixers
- amixer set Master 0% mute >/dev/null 2>&1
- amixer set PCM 0% mute >/dev/null 2>&1
- # output 0.5 sec
- head -c 4000 < /dev/zero | aplay -N -r8000 -fS16_LE -traw -c1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
- # remember pid
- pp=$!
- # sleep for 2 seconds (to be sure -- 1 sec would be enough)
- sleep 2
- # kill the child process if still exists.
- kill -9 $pp > /dev/null 2>&1
- st=$?
- ac_cardname=`head -n 1 $PROCFS/asound/cards | sed -e 's/^[0-9].* - \(.*\)$/\1/'`
- /sbin/modprobe -r snd-$1 >/dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $st = 0 ]; then
- # irq problem?
- test -n "$LOGFILE" && echo "no playback return" >> "$LOGFILE"
- return 2
- else
- # seems ok!
- test -n "$LOGFILE" && echo "playback OK" >> "$LOGFILE"
- return 0
- fi
- }
- # check capture
- # return 0 - OK, 1 - NG, 2 - not working (irq/dma problem)
- # ac_try_capture card duplex opts
- ac_try_capture () {
- test -n "$LOGFILE" && echo "$1 ${*:2}" >> "$LOGFILE"
- /sbin/modprobe snd-$1 ${*:3} >/dev/null 2>&1
- if $lsmod | grep -q -E '^(snd-|snd_)'$1' '; then
- : ;
- else
- /sbin/modprobe -r snd-$1 >/dev/null 2>&1
- return 1
- fi
- # mute mixers
- amixer set Master 0% mute >/dev/null 2>&1
- amixer set PCM 0% mute >/dev/null 2>&1
- play_pid=0
- if [ $2 = yes ]; then
- # try duplex - start dummy playing
- aplay -N -r8000 -fS16_LE -traw -c1 < /dev/zero > /dev/null 2>&1 &
- play_pid=$!
- fi
- # record 1sec
- arecord -N -d1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
- # remember pid
- pp=$!
- # sleep for 2 seconds
- sleep 2
- # kill the child process if still exists.
- kill -9 $pp > /dev/null 2>&1
- st=$?
- # kill playback process if any
- test $play_pid != 0 && kill -9 $play_pid
- /sbin/modprobe -r snd-$1 >/dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $st = 0 ]; then
- test -n "$LOGFILE" && echo "capture no return" >> "$LOGFILE"
- return 2
- else
- test -n "$LOGFILE" && echo "capture OK" >> "$LOGFILE"
- return 0
- fi
- }
- get_dma_pair () {
- case $1 in
- 0)
- echo 1 3 5;;
- 1)
- echo 0 3 5;;
- 3)
- echo 1 0 5;;
- 5)
- echo 3 1 0;;
- esac
- }
- #
- # check playback on specified irqs
- #
- # ac_try_irq card opts irqs...
- # return 0 - OK, 1 - NG, 2 - not working (dma problem?)
- #
- ac_try_irq () {
- card=$1
- opts="$2 ${mpfx}irq=$3"
- ac_try_load $card $opts >/dev/null 2>&1
- result=$?
- case $result in
- 0)
- ac_opts="$opts"
- return 0
- ;;
- 2)
- for irq in ${*:4}; do
- opts="$2 ${mpfx}irq=$irq"
- ac_try_load $card $opts >/dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? = 0 ]; then
- ac_opts="$opts"
- return 0
- fi
- done
- return 2
- ;;
- esac
- return 1
- }
- #
- # check playback/capture on dma1 & dma2 & specified irqs
- #
- # ac_try_dmas card opts irqs...
- # return 0 - OK, 1 - NG
- #
- ac_try_dmas () {
- dma_list=`check_dma_avail 1 0 3 5`
- for irq in ${*:3}; do
- for dma1 in $dma_list; do
- for dma2 in `get_dma_pair $dma1`; do
- opts="$2 ${mpfx}dma1=$dma1 ${mpfx}dma2=$dma2 ${mpfx}irq=$irq"
- ac_try_load $1 $opts >/dev/null 2>&1
- result=$?
- if [ $result = 1 ]; then
- if [ $try_all_combination = 1 ]; then
- continue
- else
- return 1
- fi
- elif [ $result = 0 ]; then
- test -n "$LOGFILE" && echo "Now checking capture..." >> "$LOGFILE"
- ac_opts="$opts"
- ac_try_capture $1 yes $opts >/dev/null 2>&1 && return 0
- for d in yes no; do
- for dma2 in $dma_list; do
- if [ $dma1 != $dma2 ]; then
- opts="$2 ${mpfx}dma1=$dma1 ${mpfx}dma2=$dma2 ${mpfx}irq=$irq"
- ac_opts="$opts"
- ac_try_capture $1 $d $opts >/dev/null 2>&1 && return 0
- fi
- done
- done
- return 0
- fi
- done
- done
- done
- return 1
- }
- # check if the option $2 exists in card $1: set value $3
- ac_check_option () {
- if /sbin/modinfo -p snd-$1 | grep -q $2; then
- echo "$2=$3"
- fi
- }
- ac_try_card_sb8 () {
- card=sb8
- irq_list=`check_irq_avail 5 3 9 10 7`
- for dma8 in `check_dma_avail 1 3`; do
- opts="${mpfx}dma8=$dma8"
- ac_try_irq $card "$opts" $irq_list && return 0
- done
- return 1
- }
- ac_try_card_sb16 () {
- card=sb16
- isapnp=`ac_check_option $card ${mpfx}isapnp 0`
- opts="$isapnp"
- irq_list=`check_irq_avail 5 9 10 7 3`
- dma_list=`check_dma_avail 0 1 3`
- dma16_list=`check_dma_avail 5 6 7`
- # at first try auto-probing by driver itself
- ac_try_load $card $opts >/dev/null 2>&1
- result=$?
- case $result in
- 0)
- ac_opts="$opts"
- ac_try_capture $card yes $opts >/dev/null 2>&1 && return 0
- for d in yes no; do
- for dma8 in $dma_list; do
- for irq in $irq_list; do
- opts="${mpfx}dma8=$dma8 ${mpfx}irq=$irq $isapnp"
- ac_try_capture $card $d $opts >/dev/null 2>&1 && return 0
- done
- done
- done
- return 0
- ;;
- 2)
- for dma16 in $dma16_list; do
- opts="${mpfx}dma16=$dma16 $isapnp"
- if ac_try_irq $card "$opts" $irq_list ; then
- ac_try_capture $card yes $ac_opts >/dev/null 2>&1 && return 0
- ac_opts_saved="$ac_opts"
- for d in yes no; do
- for dma8 in $dma_list; do
- ac_opts="$ac_opts_saved ${mpfx}dma8=$dma8"
- ac_try_capture $card $d $ac_opts >/dev/null 2>&1 && return 0
- done
- done
- # return anyway here..
- return 0
- fi
- done
- ;;
- esac
- return 1
- }
- ac_try_card_es1688 () {
- card=es1688
- opts=""
- irq_list=`check_irq_avail 5 9 10 7`
- for dma8 in `check_dma_avail 1 3 0`; do
- opts="${mpfx}dma8=$dma8 ${mpfx}mpu_irq=-1"
- ac_try_irq $card "$opts" $irq_list && return 0
- done
- return 1
- }
- ac_try_card_es18xx () {
- card=es18xx
- opts=`ac_check_option $card ${mpfx}isapnp 0`
- ac_try_dmas $card "$opts" `check_irq_avail 5 9 10 7` && return 0
- return 1
- }
- ac_try_card_cs4236 () {
- card=cs4236
- irq_list=`check_irq_avail 5 7 9 11 12 15`
- isapnp=`ac_check_option $card ${mpfx}isapnp 0`
- for cport in 0x538 0x210 0xf00; do
- for port in 0x530 0x534; do
- opts="${mpfx}port=$port ${mpfx}cport=$cport $isapnp"
- ac_try_dmas $card "$opts" $irq_list && return 0
- done
- done
- return 1
- }
- ac_try_card_cs4232 () {
- card=cs4232
- irq_list=`check_irq_avail 5 7 9 11 12 15`
- isapnp=`ac_check_option $card ${mpfx}isapnp 0`
- for cport in 0x538 0x210 0xf00; do
- for port in 0x530 0x534; do
- opts="${mpfx}port=$port ${mpfx}cport=$cport $isapnp"
- ac_try_dmas $card "$opts" $irq_list && return 0
- done
- done
- return 1
- }
- ac_try_card_cs4231 () {
- card=cs4231
- irq_list=`check_irq_avail 5 7 9 11 12 15`
- for port in 0x530 0x534; do
- opts="${mpfx}port=$port"
- ac_try_dmas $card "$opts" $irq_list && return 0
- done
- return 1
- }
- ac_try_card_opl3sa2 () {
- card=opl3sa2
- irq_list=`check_irq_avail 5 9 3 1 11 12 15 0`
- isapnp=`ac_check_option $card ${mpfx}isapnp 0`
- for port in 0x370 0x538 0xf86 0x100; do
- for wss_port in 0x530 0xe80 0xf40 0x604; do
- opts="${mpfx}fm_port=-1 ${mpfx}midi_port=-1 ${mpfx}port=$port ${mpfx}wss_port=$wss_port $isapnp"
- ac_try_dmas $card "$opts" $irq_list && return 0
- done
- done
- return 1
- }
- ac_config_legacy () {
- title=$(gettext "WARNING")
- msg=$(gettext "
- Probing legacy ISA cards might make
- your system unstable.
- Do you want to proceed?
- ")
- $DIALOG --title "$title" --yesno "$msg" 10 50 || acex 0
- if [ x"$1" = x ]; then
- probe_list="$LEGACY_CARDS"
- else
- probe_list=$*
- fi
- menu_args=()
- for card in $probe_list; do
- cardname=`/sbin/modinfo -d snd-$card | sed -e 's/^\"\(.*\)\"$/\1/g'`
- if [ x"$cardname" != x ]; then
- menu_args=("${menu_args[@]}" "$card" "$cardname" "on")
- fi
- done
- if [ x$menu_args = x ]; then
- msg=$(gettext "No legacy drivers are available
- for your machine")
- $DIALOG --msgbox "$msg" 5 50
- return 1
- fi
- title=$(gettext "Driver Selection")
- msg=$(gettext " Probing legacy ISA cards
- Please select the drivers to probe:")
- $DIALOG --title "$title" --checklist "$msg" \
- 17 64 8 "${menu_args[@]}" 2> $FOUND || acex 0
- if [ $try_all_combination != 1 ]; then
- msg=$(gettext "
- Shall I try all possible DMA and IRQ combinations?
- With this option, some unconventional configuration
- might be found, but it will take much longer time.")
- if $DIALOG --yesno "$msg" 10 60
- then
- try_all_combination=1
- fi
- fi
- xecho "Probing legacy cards.. This may take a few minutes.."
- echo -n $(gettext "Probing: ")
- cards=`cat $FOUND | tr -d \"`
- for card in $cards; do
- echo -n " $card"
- ac_opts=""
- if eval ac_try_card_$card ; then
- xecho " : FOUND!!"
- ac_config_card $card $ac_opts
- return 0
- fi
- done
- echo
- title=$(gettext "Result")
- msg=$(gettext "No legacy cards found")
- $DIALOG --title "$title" --msgbox "$msg" 5 50
- return 1
- }
- #
- # main part continued..
- #
- if test -n "$LOGFILE" ; then
- touch "$LOGFILE"
- echo -n "Starting alsaconf: " >> "$LOGFILE"
- date >> "$LOGFILE"
- fi
- if [ x"$legacy_probe_card" != x ]; then
- ac_opts=""
- if eval ac_try_card_$legacy_probe_card >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo "$ac_opts"
- echo "$ac_cardname"
- exit 0
- else
- echo "FAILED"
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- intro
- if [ $do_legacy_only = 1 ]; then
- ac_config_legacy
- exit 0
- fi
- probe_cards
- devs_found=()
- devs_olist=""
- if [ -s "$FOUND" ]; then
- while read dev card ; do
- MODDIR=/lib/modules/`uname -r`
- find $MODDIR -type f | grep -q -E $card'\.(o|ko)' || continue
- cardname=`find_device_name $dev | cut -c 1-64`
- if [ -z "$cardname" ]; then
- cardname="$card"
- fi
- card=${card##snd-}
- devs_found=("${devs_found[@]}" "$card" "$cardname")
- devs_devs=("${devs_devs[@]}" "$card" "$dev")
- done <"$FOUND"
- devs_olist=`cat $FOUND`
- fi
- if [ x$devs_found != x ]; then
- #
- # check for TP600E
- #
- if [ ${devs_found[0]} = cs46xx ]; then
- if $lspci -nv 2>/dev/null| grep -q "Subsystem: 1014:1010"; then
- msg=$(gettext "
- Looks like you having a Thinkpad 600E or 770 notebook.
- On this notebook, CS4236 driver should be used
- although CS46xx chip is detected.
- Shall I try to snd-cs4236 driver and probe
- the legacy ISA configuration?")
- if $DIALOG --yesno "$msg" 13 60
- then
- try_all_combination=1
- ac_config_legacy cs4236
- exit 0
- fi
- elif $lspci -nv 2>/dev/null| grep -q "Subsystem: 8086:8080"; then
- msg=$(gettext "
- Looks like you having a Dell Dimension machine.
- On this machine, CS4232 driver should be used
- although CS46xx chip is detected.
- Shall I try to snd-cs4232 driver and probe
- the legacy ISA configuration?")
- if $DIALOG --yesno "$msg" 13 60
- then
- try_all_combination=1
- ac_config_legacy cs4232
- exit 0
- fi
- fi
- fi
- devs_found=("${devs_found[@]}" "legacy" "Probe legacy ISA (non-PnP) chips")
- title=$(gettext "Soundcard Selection")
- msg=$(gettext "
- Following card(s) are found on your system.
- Choose a soundcard to configure:
- ")
- $DIALOG --title "$title" --menu "$msg" 17 76 8 "${devs_found[@]}" --output-fd 3 3> $FOUND || acex 0
- card=`head -n 1 $FOUND`
- if [ "$card" = "legacy" ]; then
- ac_config_legacy
- else
- ac_config_card "$card"
- fi
- exit 0
- else
- msg=$(gettext "
- No supported PnP or PCI card found.
- Would you like to probe legacy ISA sound cards/chips?
- ")
- if $DIALOG --yesno "$msg" 9 60 ; then
- ac_config_legacy
- exit 0
- fi
- fi
- rm -f "$FOUND" "$DUMP"
- exit 0